To define bronchitis simply, it is just a cold which spread out throughout the bronchial tubes of your lungs. Bronchitis has its own degrees of severity. It can range from a very mild condition without any fever then becomes very serious. Normally, cough is present. This can be extremely dangerous especially for infants. They may experience shortness of breath. Squeaky noises can be heard as the infant breathes. If you observe these signs in your child, then you better call a doctor.

Bronchitis usually occurs when infection happens in the upper respiratory system. It displays abrupt onset symptoms and it is seldom considered as a separate entity during childhood. It is often accompanied with dry, hacking, persistent cough which can last for two to three days and low-grade fever. Coughing can worsen at night and sometimes causes chest pain. The tachypnea rate in one minute is more than sixty breaths.

Bronchitis in infants is basically attributed to a viral infection. But sometimes the symptoms are also apparent in infants having bacterial pneumonia. These cause serious or fatal consequences if not treated immediately.

Cough and cold are commonly considered as infection of the upper respiratory caused by viruses. These cold viruses lower the resistance of the throat and nose causing secondary infections. It is not true that exposure to a cold atmosphere without wearing a hat, or getting wet can cause a cold.

Colds in infants are milder and can last for about seven to ten days. It is manifested by a runny, stuffy, or bubbly nose accompanied by mild coughing. Positioning your infant with his or her head elevated can aid him or her comfortably breathe. Avoid direct contacts with your infant if you have colds. Simple, regular hand washing is effective in preventing colds. It is not advised to give medicines to your infant without proper prescriptions.

You should always be aware of your infant’s condition. If he or she has a cough and whether or not a fever is present, proper treatment is required. The normal health of your infant is your first consideration.

The breathing patterns of your infant can be distorted. Respiration is considered normal if exchange of gases (such as oxygen) in the lungs occurs. The measurement of breathe is taken per minute.

Mothers need to observe the breathing rates of their infants for one minute. Abdominal movements are noticeable. Infants below one year old must have at least 40-60 respirations in one minute. One year old babies must have 25-35 breaths in one minute. Toddlers should have 20-40 respiration per minute. However, crying can increase respiratory rates while sleeping decreases it.

Strep and sore throats can also affect infants. This condition is manifested by inflammation of the tonsils which produces pain in the throat and accompanied sometimes by fevers. Swallowing can be very difficult. An itchy throat is often associated with colds. Toddlers having strep throat can be irritable, have low-grade fever, losses their appetite, have swollen glands, and have yellow thick spots on their tonsils.

Streptococcus is a bacteria causing strep throat.  Cold viruses and allergies are also included. Sore throats linked with colds can be transmitted to another person by direct contacts on the secretions.

Antibiotic treatment can help alleviate the symptoms and later on cure the strep throat. It is necessary to seek advice from a health care professional to obtain treatment recommendations. This can prevent strep throat complications such as rheumatic or scarlet fever.

Bronchitis affects infants as well as young children because their airways are still very small and are blocked easily.  Bronchitis normally occurs until the infant reaches two years old. However, its peak occurrence mostly affects infants aging 3-6 months old.  Children who are mostly affected by bronchitis are male children, children living in crowded conditions, children who are exposed to cigarette smokes, and children who are not breastfed.

Although infant bronchitis is a mild disease, there is always a risk for more severe cases requiring hospitalization.  It can include prematurity, lung or heart disease, and weak immune system. Infants who are diagnosed with bronchitis can develop asthma in the future.

Mothers should understand these important facts about bronchitis.  They can avoid hysterics and late response if their infants show negative health symptoms associated with bronchitis.

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