Moving on

My back story This is why I share this site with you dear reader. I look forward to the future rather than look behind at my past. We complete a circle in order to progress up to the next in the spiral of life. It is not necessarily the destination which is so very...

Bronchitis Remedy

Learn and Choose the Best Bronchitis is a condition wherein air passages into the lungs are inflamed. It can either be chronic or acute. Acute bronchitis is caused by viral infection which begins in the sinuses or nose spreading to the air passages. It can be only...

Knowing the Difference between Bronchitis and Pneumonia

Bronchitis and pneumonia is not synonymous. However, both are diseases affecting the lower respiratory system. Typically, it affects the airways going to the lungs, so it is imperative that a person should learn the major differences of the diseases to have a better...

Personalised asthma treatments…

Interesting news item in a UK newspaper hints of a possible development in targetting asthma at a personal level rather than broad spectrum one-size-fits-all approach. Personalised future Simple saliva test
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