Only 9 months?

I was amazed to read this news item which featured an island in Greece which featured a gentleman who found by looking to his lifestyle he was able to improve the quality of life so that years after being told he had less than a year to live is today 45 years older...

Stopping Bronchitis with Medicines

When the inside layer of your bronchial tubes begin to swell, you are most likely to develop bronchitis. Once this happen, your air passageway will be filled with mucus or phlegm. Bronchitis itself cannot be cured. What you need to do is treat the symptoms of...

Medications That Can Battle Bronchitis

There are basically two kinds of bronchitis, acute and chronic bronchitis. These two may have the same last names but they vary from their causative effects and treatment prescribed to control the diseases. Acute bronchitis is a short-term illness that becomes rampant...


The Bronchitis Version in Infant No parent will get a good night sleep when his baby is persistently coughing and breathing for him is difficult. You think that it is no ordinary cold or cough. It is something else. You may want to check if your baby is suffering from...

Pediatric Bronchitis

The Scourge of Childhood Bronchitis is a lower respiratory tract problem that is manifested by an inflammation and/or infection of airways which includes the trachea and larger air tubes that carry oxygen into the lungs. There are two kinds of bronchitis: acute...
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