What Is A Vegan Lifestyle?

A vegan lifestyle is believed to have existed in ancient Greece, where some philosophers believed that animal cruelty can earn them the wrath of some of their gods and goddesses such as Helios or Artemis. Also in India, people do not consume beef as a respect and...

Veganism and the United States

Have you stopped to consider exactly what it is that you specifically can do to help improve the earth? Most people never really stop to consider the options that are open to them. Rather they simply read an article or see a clip on the news that looks interesting and...

Veganism and Pregnancy

Having a baby is a very exciting time in the lives of most people and trying to stay healthy is something that is at the forefront of most people’s minds. Trying to carry a successful pregnancy while following a vegan lifestyle might seem extremely difficult,...

Veganism and Animals

With all of the greener lifestyles that are being adapted all around the world there are tons of questions about exactly what veganism is, and exactly how it pertains to animals. For the vast majority of people it is extremely important to realize that you simply...

Vegan Cooking Made Easy

A push towards a much healthier lifestyle has left many people looking all around for help. There are many different ways to eat, and of course, everyone has their own opinion on which methods are best but how are you really supposed to learn how to properly prepare a...

Vegan Cooking for Beginners

Interested in moving to a Vegan lifestyle? Many people are really interested in the concept, but in practice, it can seem extremely scary to actually do. In order to ensure that you are able to get the biggest benefits possible from the Vegan lifestyle it is important...

Vegan Lifestyle Tips

Here are a few things you can do to pursue a vegan lifestyle: 1. Add variety to the diet Don’t make many various recipes every day. Just keep it simple. For most events, just pick out at least 4 recipes that you can make for the whole week and eat the same food...

Vegan Lifestyle 101

High consumption of animal fats is attributed to a surge in the risk for heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and other diseases. Switching to a vegetarian lifestyle is a very wise choice when you are really serious about your health. Changing your...

Top Tips for Vegan Cooking

In the beginning, you might discover that Vegan cooking is more of a pain and hassle than it is a benefit. If you discover yourself in this position, you are not alone. However, there is help available for you. Taking some time to really look over all of your options...

Tips To Switching To A Vegan Lifestyle

Millions of vegans around the world have taken a huge step in an effort improve their well being, decrease inhumane animal cruelty, and maybe get close to some religious convictions and beliefs, or possibly all of these reasons. The decision to become a full-pledged...
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