Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema Handbook

A Guide to a Healthy Living The Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema Handbook were written by Francois Haas and Shiela Sperber Haas. Both authors are gifted scientists besides being compassionate people. This handbook is a bestseller in terms of guiding patients who...

More Cures for the Bronchitis Condition

Bronchitis conditions are usually viral infections and are known for being contagious since it can be acquired through contact with a person suffering from such infection and it can travel by air. This infection can be a stepping stone for other branching infections...

Change your life

I looked at the third tissue I had coughed into and saw again a bright red spot of blood the size of a silver dollar coin and knew that it was time to leave work to itself and find out for once and for all what was wrong with me. I had X-rays a few months previously...

Significant Facts about Asthmatic Bronchitis

In the beginning, very few illnesses and diseases were known, people would suffer from different ailments mysterious to them. As time passed, the number of diseases cropping up continued to increase. Millions of people acquire illnesses at some point in their lives;...
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